How to become
Leonardo da Vinci
The true secrets unveiled

More than 100 tricks and secrets
about Leonardo that will inspire you
to become the new Da Vinci
Hardcover Lux –

Paperback – April 18, 2022 – Book cover – ISBN: 979-8428095029

Mario Taddei
“How to become Leonardo da Vinci – The true secrets unveiled”More than 100 tricks and secrets about Leonardo that will inspire you to become the new Da Vinci!
A journey into Leonardo’s mind to easily understand his secrets and techniques. You will learn the basic principles of becoming a new Da Vinci through a simple and understandable book.
How do you learn to think like Leonardo?
We will discover the 100 principles of genius, to become like him, told through his works and drawings full of projects and mysteries, with a simple and direct language for children aged 6 to 99! Becoming Leonardo is possible and the same Renaissance artistic rules of art, creativity and genius can now also be used with digital tools.
Did Leonardo copy? What did he study? What creative techniques did he use?
How are these techniques applied today, in the era of the metaverse?
We will learn the Renaissance tricks to create masterpieces, even with digital tools, and we will discover what was the source of Leonardo’s creativity to make grow the genius within us!
Diventare Leonardo è possibile e le stesse regole artistiche rinascimentali d’arte, di creatività e genialità sono utilizzabili oggi anche con strumenti digitali.
Leonardo ha copiato? Cosa ha studiato? Che tecniche creative usava? Come si applicano queste tecniche, oggi, nell’era del metaverso? Impareremo i trucchi rinascimentali per realizzare capolavori, anche con strumenti digitali, e scopriremo quale era la fonte della creatività di Leonardo per far crescere il genio che è in noi!

1 Who wants to become Leonardo?
2 Who was Leonardo da vinci?
3 Born in the Renaissance
4 Leonardo hidden?
5 The legend of the angel
6 Copy the clothes
7 The red sheet
8 The message of the angel
9 A long preparation
10 The trick of the little holes
11 Specular trick
12 A beautiful drawing
13 100 ugly drawings for a beautiful one
14 The trick of symmetry
15 Drapes, dragons and messes
16 A flying boat
17 The lady with the white skin
18 How do you paint water?
19 A never finished masterpiece
20 Something new
21 An ugly painting
22 The first curriculum of history, false!
23 Marvel the customer
24 A hidden ox
25 Make a cannon nice
26 A step at a time
27 Giant is better?
28 Evolution of ideas
29 Cataloging and inventing
30 Machine guns without wheels
31 Inspired by nature
32 The beauty of the curves
33 War, death, life and peace
34 The Chinese bridge
35 The man is from Vitruvius
36 Face scan
37 The architect of body and everithing
38 The engineer of life
39 Muscle plasticity
40 Mechanical 3d vision of the body
41 The caves of the mind
42 Three-dimensional anatomy
43 Draw life from within
44 The fable of the crab
45 Leonardo’s kitten
46 Micro nature collections
47 The screw is by Archimedes
48 If you’re alone …
49 History repeats itself
50 The luck
51 The collection of wonders
53 The invincible ship
54 The beauty of machines
55 The first designer
56 Knowing how to sell ideas
57 The geometry is beautiful
58 The color printer
59 A thousand hats
60 The computer faster than light
61 Create a codex
62 The desire to fly
63 Observe and understand
64 Dragonflies and butterflies
65 Eagles and bats
66 Flying Androids
67 The big painting
68 Too successful
69 Ropes and nails
70 Tricks, shadows and dots
71 Paint a glass
72 The real secret of the last supper
73 The secret of Leonardo’s colors
74 Create a color
75 The lady and the ermine
76 The lady in the red dress
77 Infinite energy
78 The trick of the mirror
79 The first stylist in history
80 Perfumes and thirst quenchers
81 A giant horse
82 The glass sphere
83 Dare too much
84 Paint on the skin
85 Destroy a masterpiece
86 The deceptive object
87 The lady with the veil
88 Leave things in half
89 The poor lamb
90 Like virtual reality
91 The black mirror
92 The legacy of Leonardo
93 Studying Leonardo
94 500 years later
95 Copying is studying
96 Painting or digitizing?
97 Robotic anatomy
98 Digital architectures
99 Virtual worlds
100 Digital animals
101 The creativity
102 Design and make
103 STEAM master
104 How to become Leonardo da Vinci

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