Lecture “Leonardo da Vinci’s Manuscripts and the Influence of Ancient Arabic Science” – Abu Dhabi

April 5th, 2024 | 7:30pm
Italian Cultural Institute Abu Dhabi

Multimedia Presentation at the Virtual Museum of Leonardo da Vinci. Prof. Mario Taddei, Leonardo da Vinci Academy.

In this seminar, we will explore the manuscripts, art, and technology of Leonardo da Vinci, uncovering their deep connections to ancient Arabic science. With the support of the Italian Cultural Institute and the Embassy of Italy to the UAE, Prof. Mario Taddei will guide us through a multimedia presentation at the largest virtual museum of Leonardo da Vinci.

We will discover the reconstruction of incredible ancient machines designed by Leonardo, derived from the study of nature and ancient weaponry, such as flying spheres, the mechanical hawk, the robot car, and the first mechanical android. Art and technology intertwine, delving into the secrets of Leonardo’s masterpieces, including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

We will explore one of Leonardo’s secrets, his study of the ancients, and particularly see the influence of ancient Arabic science on his work. Many machines and contraptions, erroneously attributed to Leonardo, are instead the result of Arab scientists from the year 1000 who influenced modern science and mathematics more than one might think.

This seminar underscores the importance of studying history, particularly the contributions of Arab scholars from the 10th century onwards, to understand the genius of Leonardo da Vinci and his creations. Participants will have the exclusive opportunity to experience a virtual reality station, allowing them to observe Leonardo da Vinci’s machines and masterpieces like never before, journeying into the largest virtual museum ever built: the Leonardo Da Vinci ACADEMY MUSEUM.

Prof. Mario Taddei
Graduated with honors in Industrial Design from the Polytechnic University of Milan. He served as a professor at the Politecnico di Milano, teaching computer science courses. Taddei is a prominent Italian academic, best known for his contributions to Leonardo da Vinci studies. He is co-curator of some of the Leonardo Da Vinci’s exhibitions, showcasing groundbreaking discoveries in art and machine research on a global scale. With extensive experience in programming, 3D graphics, video games, virtual reality development, and multimedia applications, Taddei also teaches design, virtual scenography, and virtual architecture at various art academies in Milan, Italy.

He is an expert in artificial intelligence and has authored several books on the subject, delivering frequent lectures worldwide. As a curator, Taddei has organized numerous Leonardo exhibitions worldwide and authored several books on science, computer graphics, Renaissance masters, and Leonardo da Vinci. He is renowned for leading the study, software development, and reconstruction of hundreds of Renaissance machines, as well as pioneering virtual Codex technologies and interactive historical experiences. Taddei is also recognized as a digital artist, exhibiting under the pseudonyms Silver Mark and Neoart3 at prestigious contemporary art museums in Europe and China. Furthermore, he is an expert in NFT and metaverse technologies, contributing to the development of digital art and virtual environments. Currently, Taddei teaches at Milanese Academies, founded and directs the Leonardo da Vinci Academy (www.davinciacademy.net), and can also be found at www.Neoart3.net or by searching “Mario Taddei” on Google.

Mario Taddei Manuscript Collection – Leonardo da Vinci ACADEMY
Mario Taddei Manuscript Collection – Leonardo da Vinci ACADEMY

The Italian Cultural Institute of Abu Dhabi is a body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), responsible for spreading and promoting the Italian language and culture. Its main objectives are the organization of cultural, artistic and scientific initiatives with Italy as their central theme.


Raphael Michelangelo and Leonardo Connections

Prof Mario Taddei - Raphael Michelangelo and Leonardo Connections 16min FullHD video 2022 Leonardo da Vinci ACADEMY

Raphael Michelangelo and Leonardo Connections

Leonardo da Vinci ACADEMY / MUSEUM – Prof Mario Taddei

16min Video
Did Raphael copied the Monnalisa?
Did Michelangelo build the first 3D virtual room?



Da Leonardo Da Vinci al Metaverso

“Da Leonardo da Vinci al Metaverso”: convegno alla Fondazione Polo universitario

𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

Created in 2021 to address the new issues concerning Virtual Reality, Metaverse, NFT, Teaching, STEAM, Publishing, exhibitions and new generation multimedia museums.

Mario Taddei’s studies on Leonardo da Vinci since 1999 are the basis of the search for creativity and methodologies for a new academy that deals with the new cutting-edge digital means used in artistic, historical and scientific fields.A new Academy, a “virtual” academy, which teaches and combines Leonardo da Vinci’s creativity with modern technologies for the new professions of the future. A multimedia Renaissance workshop for a new “Digital Renaissance”.
Computer graphics, design, fashion, virtual reality, science and art courses.STEAM Methodologies – History of the Italian Renaissance & Multimedia. Private courses, accompanied by workshops, exhibitions and multimedia labs, prepare students to create their own future and work in the film, edutainment, video game and nascent Metaverse industries. The training of students on cutting-edge VR, AR and XR technologies with NFT management, gaming design and art history will take shape with exhibitions, products and events, both real and digital, organized by the Academy.


𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

Nasce nel 2021 per affrontare le nuove tematiche e le sfide innovative riguardanti ambiti quali: Realtà Virtuale, Metaverso, NFT, Insegnamento, STEAM, Editoria, Mostre e Musei multimediali di nuova generazione.


e-sports – Opening Macao Prosperous World Cup

Metaverse International Summit Forum

A Tribute to Macau E-sports Coming to the Bay Area in Excitemen

澳门电竞 湾区精彩而来——首届澳门盛世杯粤港澳大湾区多元化电竞产业·元宇宙国际高峰连线论坛新闻发布会召开

Neoart3 NTF

The first Macau E-sports “PEAK CUP” and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau-Great Bay Area Diversified Esports Industry – Metaverse International Online-Forum was launched on 25 June in Shenzhen by way of a time-lapse link. The “PEAK CUP” takes the national strategy of “developing e-sports aesthetic education” as its core, and contributes to the “world commonwealth” and It is also a supporting base for the strategy of “helping entrepreneurship” and “strengthening the country through science and technology”.www.mariotaddei.net / www.DaVinciAcademy.net

Neoart3 NTF

在“北京抗大光荣传统研究会”、“中国科技产业化促进会文化寻力委员会”、“中国红色文化研究会研学旅行工作委员会” “科创中国”大湾区联合体 作为特别指导机构背景下,本次盛世杯组委会由“环球产业电竞协会(澳门)“深圳市科技交流服务中心”联合主办”,并由“澳门澳新电竞产业服务中心有限公司”、“北京中和盛世文化传媒有限公司”、“上海睿乃颂洋联文化传播有限公司”、“哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院有限公司”联合承办。这次连线论坛,组委会环球产业电竞协会(澳门)会长华子锋先生、环球产业电竞协会(澳门)理事長周可祺先生,组委会主席TomanChou先生,不仅邀请了中国荒漠化治理基金会北京大学国家经济资源研究中心秘书长、一带一路大使论坛名誉院长、一带一路城市联盟严万鸿主席;国家职业教育研究院张德祥主任;中国企业家创新智库首席专家、中国生产力学会策划专家委员会全国专家委员,邦交臻礼标准认证专委会会长,李羿锋先生,等相关领导专家连线发言。还邀请到了盛世杯执委会专员、首届王者荣耀全国女子电竞冠军俱乐部RE-GIRLS聯合创始人林梓文先生;以及UNI香港青年创业空间及一国两制应用中心联合创始人+CEO陈升,以及国内电竞产业优秀精英 海皈电子竞技俱乐部成员Nicholas Lee先生、Claire Chan女士、Rico Wong先生,Dr. Enoch Lam等诸多代表,来分享电竞新丝路的文化出口电竞基地展望。
此外,组委会成员,由德必集团运营的中意设计交流中心——佛罗伦萨基地,也同时邀请了政府的核心科技职能机构来共襄盛举;海皈国际精英俱乐部(Meta Overseas)更邀请了意大利威尼托大区议员、帕多瓦市长代表、帕多瓦文化局长、联合国教科文组织终生荣誉奖获得者安德烈·科拉索教授;

Neoart3 NTF


在得到国际众多机构平台及中国有关部委专家的指导支持下, “盛世杯”还将助力澳门通过国际融合与共同发展,最终形成立体化的中国电竞产业运营矩阵。同时,作为活动的另一个目标——在配合中国电竞标准之编撰工作的基础上,组委会还从政府、企业和群众的实际需求中出发,力图通过“盛世杯”,不仅去打造一流的国际电竞生态圈,还兼顾未来中国的电竞政策,将如何有序地去辐射经济、教育、文化、生态、农业、科技、环保、网络安全等多产业循环领域。

A Tribute to the Wonderful Coming of the Macao E-Sports Bay Area – Si è tenuto la conferenza stampa della prima Coppa del mondo di Macao Prosperous World Cup Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Diversified E-Sports Industry Metaverse International Summit Forum

𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

Created in 2021 to address the new issues concerning Virtual Reality, Metaverse, NFT, Teaching, STEAM, Publishing, exhibitions and new generation multimedia museums.

Mario Taddei’s studies on Leonardo da Vinci since 1999 are the basis of the search for creativity and methodologies for a new academy that deals with the new cutting-edge digital means used in artistic, historical and scientific fields.A new Academy, a “virtual” academy, which teaches and combines Leonardo da Vinci’s creativity with modern technologies for the new professions of the future. A multimedia Renaissance workshop for a new “Digital Renaissance”.
Computer graphics, design, fashion, virtual reality, science and art courses.STEAM Methodologies – History of the Italian Renaissance & Multimedia. Private courses, accompanied by workshops, exhibitions and multimedia labs, prepare students to create their own future and work in the film, edutainment, video game and nascent Metaverse industries. The training of students on cutting-edge VR, AR and XR technologies with NFT management, gaming design and art history will take shape with exhibitions, products and events, both real and digital, organized by the Academy.


𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

Nasce nel 2021 per affrontare le nuove tematiche e le sfide innovative riguardanti ambiti quali: Realtà Virtuale, Metaverso, NFT, Insegnamento, STEAM, Editoria, Mostre e Musei multimediali di nuova generazione.


Conferenza Da Leonardo Da Vinci al Metaverso

Prof. Mario Taddei

Lettura Vinciana Multimediale

“Da Leonardo Da Vinci al Metaverso”, a cura del Prof. Mario Taddei

Summer School di Intelligenza Artificiale e Scienze della Vita

VLunedì 27 giugno dalle 15.30 alle 17.30 nell’aula magna della Fondazione Polo Universitario Grossetano, Via Ginori 43, Grosseto.

I segreti, i disegni e l’arte di Leonardo alla ricerca dei suoi robot nei codici, dall’archeologia vinciana multimediale alla realizzazione del modello. Studiando i codici meno conosciuti di Leonardo è possibile scoprire ancora oggi, nuove idee e nuovi progetti come quello di un sistema ad orologeria ad acqua collegato con un busto umano, un vero e proprio androide meccanico.
Il convengo è organizzato da SAIHUB, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, Università di Siena e Fondazione VITA, con il Patrocinio di Regione Toscana e GiovaniSì, ed è aperto a tutti in forma gratuita.

Prof.Mario Taddei,
ha insegnato al Politecnico di Milano. Ha dedicato gran parte della sua attività allo studi o e allo sviluppo di prodotti multimediali interattivi per la divulgazione della scienza. Si occupa da tempo dello studio e della ricerca riguardante Leonardo da Vinci e ne è divenuto uno dei maggiori esperti a livello internazionale. Insegna Realtà virtuale e design all’accademia arte di Milano. www.mariotaddei.net / www.DaVinciAcademy.net

Iniziativa :
Robocode www.robocode.it
SAIHUB Siena Artificial Intelligence Hub,
Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca,
Leonardo da Vinci ACADEMY,
Università di Siena,
Regione Toscana,
Istituti tecnici Superiori,
POR FSE Toscana,
Giovani Sì,
Fondazione Vita,
Unione Europea Fondo sociale Repubblica Italiana.
www.SAIHUB.org www.itsvita.it – info@itsvita.it – 0577.231.298

𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

Created in 2021 to address the new issues concerning Virtual Reality, Metaverse, NFT, Teaching, STEAM, Publishing, exhibitions and new generation multimedia museums.

Mario Taddei’s studies on Leonardo da Vinci since 1999 are the basis of the search for creativity and methodologies for a new academy that deals with the new cutting-edge digital means used in artistic, historical and scientific fields.A new Academy, a “virtual” academy, which teaches and combines Leonardo da Vinci’s creativity with modern technologies for the new professions of the future. A multimedia Renaissance workshop for a new “Digital Renaissance”.
Computer graphics, design, fashion, virtual reality, science and art courses.STEAM Methodologies – History of the Italian Renaissance & Multimedia. Private courses, accompanied by workshops, exhibitions and multimedia labs, prepare students to create their own future and work in the film, edutainment, video game and nascent Metaverse industries. The training of students on cutting-edge VR, AR and XR technologies with NFT management, gaming design and art history will take shape with exhibitions, products and events, both real and digital, organized by the Academy.


𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

Nasce nel 2021 per affrontare le nuove tematiche e le sfide innovative riguardanti ambiti quali: Realtà Virtuale, Metaverso, NFT, Insegnamento, STEAM, Editoria, Mostre e Musei multimediali di nuova generazione.
